My 100 days of focus on improving my health. What works? What doesn't?

Posts tagged ‘joint’

Day 1: Tennis Elbow

Turns out I have tennis elbow. I don’t play tennis.
In my case, they should call it “cook’s elbow”, because it seems I’m getting it from repetitive activities while I cook the food for my specialty food business.

My elbows (left, especially), hurt all the time, especially when I’m gripping a jar, and even when a friend just lightly touches my elbow. Sometimes it’s mild, and sometimes it is agony, running right down my tendon.

elevated elbow on ice gel pack

So today, while my husband is out with the kids for yet another pair of soccer cleats for growing feet, I decided it was time for a little self-care:

° Mayo Clinic’s website on elbow pain
° 3 ibuprofin
° ice pack on a slightly elevated pillow (we have one of those great, flexible, frozen gel things that are big enough for a whole lower back)
° ace bandage for compression It started months ago, so I don’t know how much ice will help, but it sure feels good, because I’ve noticed that my elbows feel hot with the pain.

don't you wish they could make an Ace bandage that didn't wrinkle?

Have you ever had tennis elbow? What from?
Did you treat it with home care, or meds, or surgery?
How did it respond?
